About us

Girideepam Gurukulam Academy is a home away from home to the students of Girideepam group of institutions. The aim of this academy is to facilitate the inmates of the boarding to form themselves as effective leaders of the society by discovering each one’s talent and nourishing them through the manifold activities made available by the academy.   We aim not to produce some scholars, but to develop a generation of well equipped incredible human being.

Discovering Inner Truth…..
             (Our Motto)
Everything is important, but some are essential. We facilitate all the important things for a student. Still we go beyond the borders…We help them to discover their inner truth. Each one is trained to be a well qualified citizen with an intention to be and to do good for himself and his society.

We aim at all round development of an individual incorporating the curricular and extra-curricular activities. Girideepam Gurukulam Academy is the result of the recognition of the fact that the knowledge that gained from extra curricular activities are of more significant values to the development of the whole person.

üTo develop effective leadership
üTo bring out hidden talents
üTo help an individual to grow up socially, emotionally and culturally
üTo develop literary and academic interests
üTo develop a sense of social service
üTo develop a civic sense
üTo develop the art of living together
üTo impart an individual moral training
üTo help an individual to practice knowledge and experience gained in the classroom

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